
by user

September 30, 2016

We don’t have to tell you that real estate is still a very call-centric business. Potential buyers drive through the neighborhoods they’re interested in and when they are in front of a listing that looks interesting they call you from the info on your yard sign. This is the hottest type of lead in real estate, and it comes from a source with ZERO COMPETITION!

But what if you are not available to take that call? Most likely the potential buyer gets your voicemail and they may, or may not, leave you a message…lead lost. Sure, they might Google the address they are standing in front of and you have just sent someone from your yard sign, where you have no competition, to an online portal where they find another agent. That’s the cost of a failed experience at the curb. Amazingly, that’s the experience at the curb in over 90% of U.S. listings!

VoicePad CEO Randall Standard envisioned a more effective solution. “These calls need to be answered the moment they arrive. Even when the agent is busy.” And that’s where VoicePad comes in, with a unique solution that uses voice, text and mobile web to answer, direct, and capture your hottest leads. Here are three elements to lead capture with VoicePad’s system:

  1. A “hotline” phone number: For use on all of an agent’s property marketing which allows incoming leads to be identified with the caller ID set to “Money Call” (or whatever catch phrase an agent want to use) and/or a unique ringtone: With a customized ringtone set specifically for buyer lead calls, you’ll know without even glancing at your phone if you’re about to miss a hot lead.
  2. Simultaneous Ring Technology: Have a money call coming in, but still can’t answer? That’s OK. With VoicePad’s Simul-Ring, multiple agents, team members, or admin staff can be rung at the same time, increasing the odds that a real human will answer that buyer call…No more calls lost to voicemail, or worse, a buyer who hangs up when sent to voicemail!
  3. Virtual Assistant: If no one can come to the phone, VoicePad AfterHours will deliver your new buyer prospect an up-to-date, audio presentation (in English or Spanish) for the property they are interested in when the caller simply enters the property address, custom keyword or code number from the yard sign.

After hearing the audio presentation, a caller can choose to connect with the agent, or receive a text with your name, cell phone number, and a tracking link to the property’s mobile website where they can view a narrated virtual tour, review property photos and even search for nearby properties.
With this comprehensive system you get the most powerful, reliable curbside lead generation tool available in the real estate industry. Can’t make it to the phone? The VoicePad system answers your curbside property inquiry calls, directs your new buyer prospect to pertinent information, and immediately sends you a text and email with that buyer prospect’s phone number and name (when available), and informs you which property they were interested in. This allows for immediate follow-up, and a stronger agent/client connection.

Sounds pretty great, right? Charles Hunt of Hunt Real Estate in Upstate New York says, “Our agents have embraced the benefits of the system. They understand that even when they can’t answer their cell phones, they still get a text message and the lead’s right there… We’ve seen just a huge number of calls. In the last 12 months, we’ve received over 13,000 requests for property information by phone and more than 1,400 texts that have resulted in 15,000 property page views. Not bad for a yard sign.”

If you’re ready to experience the VoicePad difference for yourself, call (or text keyword MOBILE to) 502-653-8127.

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