Virtual Number FAQ

What is a Virtual Number?

A Virtual Phone Number is a local (or toll free) phone number that processes inbound calls in a way that a physical phone system cannot. It has the ability to simultaneously ring different groups of people at different times of the day; according to a calendar-based scheduling system.

Why would an individual agent need a Virtual Number?

Many successful agents have built their business around their cell phone number. Now, the constant stream of calls is affecting the quality of their lives and the success of their business. It is hard to scale a business when all the calls are funneled to a single phone number. Consider using a virtual local phone number with an intelligent phone tree to route your calls to right people…without going through you first.

Why would an enterprise need virtual numbers?

Virtual numbers can take a single inbound phone call and simultaneously ring multiple people at once to assure that someone is always available. Calls can be recorded for both security and training purposes. “Active Call Acceptance” assigns the lead to the first available agent that physically accepts a call. Virtual numbers can also divert annoying Robo-calls.

We already have the numbers we’d like to use. How does that work?

We can assist you with a number port process. It’s a pretty seamless event. You’ll always own your numbers.

I want a super-good phone number. What’s the best way to get one?

An excellent place to shop for vanity phone numbers is Once you purchase your vanity phone number, we can help move your new number(s) to our platform within a few days. If you are not happy with the local or toll-free number that we provide you. Let us know! We can help you review other available numbers for your service.

How many virtual numbers do I need?

That’s really up to you and how many marketing sources you wish to track. Ideally you would want a separate number for each of your marketing campaigns. Typically, we see real estate agents use a separate phone number for their website, Facebook, and Zillow.

Can each number have its own routing options?

Yes, Each number can simul-ring up to 25 agents, with Visual Lead notification, so that your agents will know where the call is coming from before they accept the call.

Is it easy to administrate schedule changes on our Floor Duty virtual numbe

In addition to being able to simul-ring your agents, you can employ calendar-based scheduling to your ring groups. The goal is to insure that valuable calls get answered. If the system begins taking a high volume of voicemail messages, consider adding more personnel in the ring-group.

Remember, if you ring 10 agents simultaneously - only 1 agent will b thee 1st to accept the call.  But, the other 9 will know that the opportunity was created.

Can I track which agents are taking specific calls?

Active Call Acceptance tracks which agent physically accepted a call and assigns the lead to them on the activity dashboard.

Can the call interactions be recorded?

You can record the calls for “training purposes.” Required consumer notification audio announcements are automatically added (or removed) when you activate (or deactivate) call-recording. You can add call-recording on certain phone numbers, while not using it on others.

Can consumers text to a Virtual number?

Yes. Our system allows you to create a custom auto response for each text keyword. You can include web links to content in your responses. Each phone number can accommodate an unlimited array of text keywords. (Text: “Home”, “Rate,” “Join”, etc.). You can use a virtual number for both call routing + and as a text keyword. These are 2 separate functions on the same virtual number.

Do I pay a per-minute, per -text, or per- user charges?

No. Our services are provided on a flat-fee basis without additional variable changes (Per-minute / per text). You can add as many people as you’d like to your directory of agents without additional charges. The only limitations that we place are the number of people that can be “rung” simultaneously.

As it pertains to text usage, please understand that we employ reasonable limitations on text volume usage. You’ll probably never reach that threshold, but we have to protect against abuse. Details are in the service terms of use.